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Big News from ChargeSmart


Hello and welcome to a little Charge Smart special! We've got some big news for you.

We've just won a share of $3.8 million being distributed through the New Zealand Government's Low-Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund. The purpose of the fund was to provide resources for the installation of EV charging stations around the country. The money has gone towards adding 110 more charging stations which brings the total number of government funded stations up to more than 1000.

What are our plans?

We're putting our winnings towards two projects.

The first one is to work with the Taranaki Regional Council to install four 22kW AC chargers for public use at the stunning Pukeiti Garden in Taranaki. The chargers also have contactless payment! We call this our electric Pukeiti experience.

Our second project sees us setting up 25 dual 22kW AC chargers at sixteen accommodation sites across the country. Our aim is to provide charging options for travelers outside the main centers. Our chargers will be located at Hanmer Springs, New Plymouth, Tauranga, Christchurch, Methven, Levin, Fiordland, Oamaru, Nelson, Invercargill, Timaru, Farewell Spit, and Havelock North. Our aim is to make long distance travelling more convenient for EV owners as well as tourists who are opting for EV rental cars. That's our 100% Pure Accommodation project.

So far, Charge Smart and Break Point Consulting have won more than $2.2 million in co-funded projects and we're still counting!

Send us an email at if you would like to work with us!


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